Sunday, February 27, 2011

Character Sketches

Refined character sketches for class--due next class is the final, so expect that soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cowboy Gone Dead

An unfortunate accident, I'm sure.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's Been Over Six Months…

…since my last post. But I promise you, I have been quite active with the blog, just behind the scenes.
Yet as satisfying as overseeing the web-design and curating the links page (among other things) has been, it's high time I actually show something up front. I post too infrequently, and I'm resolved to correct this.

Starting with showing off something I've been working on, off-and-on recently.

In December I drew this approximately 6"×6" sketch of Rebecca, based upon a photo taken back in August shortly after giving her a buzz-cut*.

Then, I digitally inked it. Yes, you read that correctly; this guy, who rarely ever colors anything (and when he does, skips right over the line-work cleanup process) inked something:
(Click to see detail)

Monday, February 07, 2011

Time Keeps on Slippin'

Well, I'm not dead yet. Just super busy.
So here's this dude with an octopus and a time piece.
I like imagining that his other leg is a peg.

Friday, February 04, 2011